On Friday 10th August 2018 and with only a week to go before the end of the consultation period, residents in Cupid Green contacted Cllr. Alexander Bhinder, concerned that they had not been advised of the consultation let alone the actual proposal.
Basically it has been suggested that the existing athletics track at Jarman Park be relocated to Cupid Green. A initial consultation was launched to gather residents' views. Since the matter would affect not just the residents in the proposed sites, the consultation was open to all Dacorum residents. The only problem was that as ever, very few knew about it.
Cllr. Bhinder advised residents to write to him requesting that the consultation period be extended. By the following Monday, Alex had received about sixty letters which he duly took down to The Forum.
Soon after, Alex was advised that although the consultation period would not be extended, all correspondence from residents regarding the matter would be included and hence considered.
"A lot of people aren't aware of the proposal and very few knew about the consultation. Since I have been advised that Dacorum Borough Council will still accept residents' comments despite the consultation period having passed I would urge all Dacorum residents to write in with their opinions." says Cllr. Alexander Bhinder
Looking at the proposal itself, there are several issues which should be considered:
- The location of the existing athletics track in Jarman Park is perfect. With buses and coaches coming in and out all the time, access is easy and doesn't affect any flow of traffic anywhere. With the retail park next door, it's very easy for youngsters to access refreshments.
- The proposed site at Cupid Green is large but is it actually suitable? The land slopes. This will have to be leveled. Some feel that sufficient and adequate car parking cannot e achieved.
- Just as residents of Redbourn Road are getting used to the Maylands Business Centre, they are potentially going to have to put up with increased noise and light pollution from the rear of their properties.
- Access to the site will be from the Redbourn Road. With buses and coaches regularly coming in and out of site, would the Redbourn Road simply be overwhelmed?
"I appreciate that there is a continuing need for housing. Dacorum however, is way ahead of many surrounding areas with regards it's plans for the future and I'm sorry to say that some ideas just sound rather desperate to me. This is one of them." states Alex.